Health Checks

Catalyst offer health checks for computer systems in order to ensure that they are working as efficiently as is possible. We offer sensible advice on easy and inexpensive changes and additions which would improve performance reliability and security.

  • All health checks are carried out by senior experienced Catalyst staff and are conducted at a reduced charge compared to our standard labour rates. This reduced charge rate reflects the fact that the checks are in the interests of both Catalyst and the client.
The aim is to produce a better more fully used reliable system from which the client gains the most possible ongoing benefit.


Hardware and Systems

The purpose of hardware health checks is to ensure that the client concerned is getting the most from their investment in hardware and systems.

  • It is often found that minor and inexpensive changes can dramatically improve the performance of PC’s and systems. It is very often found, for instance, that memory upgrades for older PC’s are often incredibly inexpensive and can extend the working life of the machine by years.
  • Our checks are wide ranging and cover such areas as file servers, site to site networking, Network security, PC wiring, malware and anti virus software for help with the prevention against virus attacks such as ransomware.
  • We ensure all is configured correctly and that the over-all performance of the system is as expected.
  • We examine individual PC’s, their configuration and specification recommending upgrades if appropriate with a view to maximising performance with a minimum of expense.
  • Where possible we disassemble PC’s, remove excess accumulated dust to prevent over-heating issues and examine for evidence of impending failure. Anti virus protection will be examined, tuned where appropriate.

We will produce a written report of system health containing recommendations for changes and upgrades if appropriate.


Software health checks are designed to examine individual clients use of Catalyst’s Platinum Software.

  • We examine individual company style and match this against the use they are making of the software.
  • We will recommend changes in procedures department by department and indicate additional areas and features of the software where we find that the client can achieve efficiencies by it’s use.
  • We will also examine data backup procedures making changes and recommendations as appropriate.

Platinum software continually evolves to cover new areas and to cover existing areas more efficiently and in greater depth. We often find that despite our best efforts to inform users of new features, these features are not used.

  • The principle purpose of these health checks is to ensure that clients are aware of the full potential of the software and where possible benefit from the full use of it.

Following the health check we produce a written report of observations recommendations for the future.